What is AVID?
AVID an acronym that stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. AVID's mission is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society. AVID is open to all Hobbs students grades 7-12.
Potential AVID students participate in an application process. Once selected, students are enrolled in an AVID elective class that emphasizes WICOR strategies (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading), time management, and test preparation.
- AVID is an academic support program that prepares students for college eligibility and success
- AVID places academically average to above-average students in advanced classes -Honors, AP, Dual, etc.
- AVID teaches academic and social skills for academic success that are not targeted in other classes
- AVID teaches time management, note-taking strategies, and goal setting
- AVID provides intensive support with in-class tutors and a strong student/teacher relationship
- AVID creates a positive peer group for students
- AVID develops a sense of hope for personal achievement gained through hard work and determination
Why AVID works
AVID places students in a rigorous curriculum and gives them the support to succeed through positive peer identification, trained teachers who serve as student advocates, and adult professional and college tutors who visit classrooms weekly to facilitate small-group discussions.
AVID's curriculum is based on
- Rigorous standards
- WICOR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading)
- Note-Taking
- Socratic Seminars
AVID succeeds by
- Developing students as readers and writers
- Teaching specific strategies for critical thinking and higher-level inquiry
- Providing support so that students can meet high expectations
AVID supports by
- Advancement Via Individual Determination
- Preparing for College and Career Readiness
- Accelerate, Not Remediate
- In-class Tutoring
- Grit, Resilience, Growth Mindset
- College Field Trips
Profile of an AVID Student
Parents…the AVID class is a perfect opportunity for your child if he or she can answer “yes” to the following statements:
- I want to go to college or have the skills necessary for a career
- I am willing to work hard to get there,
- Sometimes I don’t do as well as I can in my classes, but I want to improve.
- I enjoy going to school and I regularly attend all of my classes.
- Sometimes I struggle in my classes and I want to take AVID to learn skills that will make me a better student.
NEXT Steps
Prospective AVID students can take initiative by contacting the AVID teacher at their school for information about the application process and timeline. AVID schools typically begin recruiting students for this class early during the spring semester.
What is AVID? Click here for AVID Presentation

AVID Application
Click here to access AVID Application
Applications for 2024-2025 School year will open in January 2024

For more information about AVID email: fisherbr@hobbsschools.net
Visit the national AVID website - https://www.avid.org/
Check with your child's school about AVID classes.